
The Sauce

Decoding Fermented Frass
Fermented frass is like a superhero formula for plants. It's made from black soldier fly larvae castings & exoskeletons, which might sound a bit weird, but these tiny waste products are packed with essential nutrients. Think of it as plant vitamins.

Fermented Frass & Legal Cannabis Cultivation

how fermented frass can boost terpenes in cannabis plants, enhancing their aromatics as a defence mechanism and through systemic acquired resistance (SAR).

The Magic of Terpenes
Terpenes are like the plants' natural perfumes. They're responsible for the distinct smells and flavours you find in various plants, including cannabis. But terpenes are not just about fragrance; they play a crucial role in protecting the plant.

Terpenes as Natural Defenders
In the plant world, terpenes act as the plant's secret agents, defending against threats like pests and diseases. When a cannabis plant senses a threat, it produces more terpenes as a kind of warning signal, telling the intruders, "Hey - back it up champion, we're ready for you!"

Enter Fermented Frass
Now, here's where fermented frass comes into play. When you use it in your garden, it introduces beneficial microbes to the soil. These friendly microbes are like plant bodyguards. They boost the plant's immune system and help it fight off intruders more effectively.

Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR)
SAR is like a superpower that some plants have. When a plant faces an attack, it remembers the enemy. So, if that same attacker returns, the plant is ready, and it can produce even more terpenes, which serve as both a deterrent and a weapon against the threat.

The Aromatic Defense
When a cannabis plant senses the presence of fermented frass and the beneficial microbes it brings, it interprets this as a potential threat. So, as a defense mechanism, the plant kicks its terpene production into high gear.

This is where the magic happens. As the terpenes increase, your cannabis plants start to release those incredible aromatics. It's like the plant's way of saying, "Hey, I'm always ready to fend off any trouble!"

What This Means for You
For you, the gardener, it means that by using fermented frass, you're creating a healthier and more resilient cannabis plant. You're helping it build a robust defense system that not only wards off potential threats but also enhances the plant's aroma.

So, not only do you get more aromatic and flavorful cannabis, but you also get stronger, healthier plants. It's like a win-win for both you and your garden!

We use and recommend sleepymilks fermented frass extract. we use it on our entire garden our plants are super responsive -they just love it.

It comes in two convenient sizes 1 litre and a 5 litre bottle. we recommend using it outside because of - ya know - stink in stink out.

We've dubbed it "terp sauce" round these ways :D get yours today!